Saturday, 13 September 2014


Montessori Activity: The Exchange Game 3

AGE: 5.5 years old


To demonstrate that 10 units can be exchanged for 1 ten-bar, 10 ten-bars can be exchanged for 1 hundred-square and 10 hundred-squares can be exchanged for 1 thousand-cube.


1. Supply box containing golden bead material to serve as "The Bank"
2. 1 worksheet
3. 1 pencil and eraser
4. 1 mat


1. Show your child a supply box containing the golden bead materials and say, "This is our Bank."

2. Point to the worksheet on the mat, say out the number and arrange the appropriate amount of golden beads according to the number stated in the worksheet.

3. Ask your child to count the unit beads on the mat into an empty bowl and when he reaches the 10th unit, ask your child to go to the "Bank" (the supply box) to exchange them for 1 ten-bar, saying "10 units can be exchanged for 1 ten-bar." and place them with the other ten-bars on the mat.

4. Repeat in the same manner until there are insufficient units to exchange 1 ten-bar.

5. Ask your child to count the remaining unit beads and write it down in the space provided in the worksheet.

6. Ask your child to count the ten-bars on the mat and when he reaches the 10th ten-bar, ask your child to go to the "Bank" to exchange them for 1 hundred-square, saying "10 ten-bars is the same as 1 hundred-square." and place them with the other hundred-squares on the mat.

7. Repeat in the same manner until there are insufficient ten-bars to exchange 1 hundred-square.

8. Ask your child to count the remaining ten-bars and write it down in the space provided in the worksheet.

9. Ask your child to count the hundred-squares on the mat and when he reaches the 10th hundred-square, ask your child to go to the "Bank" to exchange them for 1 thousand-cube "10 hundred-squares is the same as 1 thousand-cube." and place them with the other thousand-cubes on the mat.

10. Repeat in the same manner until there are insufficient hundred-squares to exchange 1 thousand-cube.

11. Ask your child to count the remaining hundred-squares and write it down in the space provided in the worksheet.

12. Ask your child to count the thousand-cubes and write it down in the space provided in the worksheet.

13. Ask your child to write the number again in the bottom of the worksheet and read it out loud together.

14. Show your child that it is very easy now to see how much you have in the bank after exchanging than before.


J tried this on 23 September 2014. He was able to do it, but a little careless at times.


Brilliant Minds Montessori

Brilliant Mind Montessori is available from Amazon:

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