Saturday, 12 September 2015


A Letter to My Fellow Singaporeans

Dear friends

The election in Singapore is over and we are so fortunate that we have a Prime Minister in Singapore who lives up to these standards*:

1. A person who loves and fears God.
2. A person who leads a life with integrity and without reproach.
3. A person who demonstrates selfless service and works for the common good.
4. A person who leads by example to preserve and promote these moral values.
5. A person who endures to uphold the values of justice, equality, progress, peace and harmony.
6. A person who values and protects the life and dignity of the human person.
7. A person who protects and cares for the weak, elderly, under-privileged, and those with special needs.
8. A person who commits to marriage and family for life.
9. A person who works to build an inclusive society, free from oppression and discrimination.
10. A person with a servant heart, who is willing and able to roll up his sleeves, take hardship and to serve with an empathy of heart.

May we continue to pray for our Prime Minister and the ministers in his cabinet, that they will continue to work and grow in these areas. Where there are short-comings, may we have the grace to forgive.

May we work together to achieve these standards in our lives, as only by working together, can we achieve such standards in the government, as a society and as a nation.

* Some of the articulation drawn from the articulation of Archbishop William Goh.

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