Monday, 21 September 2015


J Summary (6Y6M15D) - I Want to Be a Daddy Just Like Daddy Has Been to Me

19 September 2015 (6 years old): Sharing an ice-cream together

I asked our Little FECS, what kind of a father he would like to be, when he grows up? He told me he wants to be the kind of father just like Daddy. I asked, "Are you sure?" He said, "Yes, Daddy is the best Daddy :-)" I want to be a Daddy just like Daddy has been to me.

The respect and admiration our Little FECS has for his dad... to want to be like his dad is the greatest compliment to Daddy FECS. He said his dad is his hero.

It reminds me the amount of influence we have on our children. Our children look at us, and they try to emulate after us. For them, we are the closest examples of how to be a parent. Our children will pick up our good habits and practices. They will also pick up our bad habits and practices. We have to do our best to be a good example for our children.

19 September 2015 (6 years old): Daddy showing the Copenhagen habour to our Little FECS

5 September 2015 (6 years old): Daddy doing school project with our Little FECS

10 September 2015 (6 years old): Daddy teaching our Little FECS the concept of volume

21 August 2015 (6 years old): Daddy reading to our Little FECS

28 June 2015 (6 years old): Daddy washing car with our Little FECS

6 April 2015 (6 years old): Daddy planting with our Little FECS

13 January 2015 (5 years old): Daddy looking at our Little FECS doing his Montessori Maths

17 November 2014 (5 years old): Daddy practicing letter sounds with our Little FECS

2 September 2014 (5 years old): Daddy showing our Little FECS how to brush his teeth

6 September 2014 (5 years old): Daddy making dragon boat with our Little FECS

16 May 2014 (5 years old): Daddy playing LEGO with our Little FECS

31 May 2014 (5 years old): Daddy reading to our Little FECS

27 July 2013 (4 years old): Daddy teaching our Little FECS to ride a bike

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