As J is reaching pre-school age in a year's time, and starting to understand conscience, morals, rights and wrongs, I am stepping ahead with researching some house rules to instill good habits.
This is a goal which I hope to implement in our home. We are not there yet, as we are self-centred sinners, saved only by God's Grace. It will take God the whole lifetime to perfect us, but this is what we are working towards prayerfully with J and as a family. Please pray for us and with us:
1. Practice J.O.Y. - Put Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.
2. Be polite - Do not use any swear words.
3. Be responsible - If you use it, put it away before moving to the next. Use one toy/activity at a time.
4. Be diligent - Work before play.
5. Be kind - Always display kind words and actions, even if you have been mistreated.
6. Take initiative to reconcile - Never let the sun go down, while you are still angry (Ephesian 4:6).
7. Be gentle - Never raise a hand to hit, a foot to kick or an object to throw.
8. Show self-restraint - Never raise an eye to scowl or a voice to yell.
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