Saturday, 26 April 2014


Oven-Roasted Lamb with Herbs

Serves 8


1. 1 leg of lamb
2. Fresh herbs (rosemary or thyme)
3. 3 clove garlic pressed
4. Salt & pepper to taste

Method 1:

1. Pre-set oven to 235°C (455°f).
2. Distribute pressed garlic and rosemary/thyme over the whole leg of lamb in an oven-proof dish.
3. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the whole leg of lamb.
4. Put into the oven and roast for at 235°C for 15 minutes.
5. Thereafter turn down the temperature to 160°C and roast for 75-90 minutes.

Method 2:

1. Pre-set oven to 160°C (320°f).
2. Distribute pressed garlic and rosemary/thyme over the whole leg of lamb in an oven-proof dish.
3. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the whole leg of lamb.
4. Insert oven meat thermometer into the meat.
5. Put into the oven and roast until the oven meat thermometer reaches 63°C for medium-rare done, 71°C if you wish it medium done or 77°C if you wish it well done.

Additional Information:

Occasionally, I will make this dish. Daddy FECS and Little FECS love it. I learned to make this dish from my Danish mother-in-law.

Here are the European herbs. You can get them from Netto.

Sprinkle some olive oil on an oven-proof dish

Sprinkle some salt and


Add press garlic and mix well. This forms as a base for the lamb.

Mix well the garlic on top.

Add some thyme and

Rosemary on it.

Rub and mix well.

Add a bit of water into the dish for the sauce.

Put into the oven and roast until the oven meat thermometer reaches 63°C for medium-rare done, 71°C if you wish it medium done or 77°C if you wish it well done.

Roasted lamb leg with oven-meat thermometer inserted

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