Saturday 5 April 2014


Reflection: Listen to Your Children's Hopes and Dreams

As parents, we all have big dreams for our children. Being a Merlion mom is one of my greatest weaknesses, one that I constantly need to re-adjust to point my compass true north, and thank God for my SO's wisdom in clarifying my perspective.

Academic pursuit is important and good. We should not neglect it. We should aim high, but it should not be the end all. How could I approach it with a balanced perspective?

Choosing life means to celebrate the life of J. To celebrate the things he is doing well and to encourage him in the things he is struggling. To celebrate his interests and his strengths.

J's strengths are he is a loving, meek, gentle, kind, generous and sweet boy.

That's good enough.

But the hardest part for me is to apply it in our daily life.

No doubt I will still stumble each day and make mistakes. But the grace of God is new everyday as we re-adjust our compass on a regular basis to point true north and choose life affirming choices.

Translating to what I need to learn to do better daily with God's guidance, help, discernment and wisdom, I quote from MaryAnn Gaver:

"My encouragement today is to really listen to your children's hopes and dreams for the future, then to look for ways to lead and encourage them. Although our kids may not ever become elite athletes, win the Pulitzer prize, or play as world class-musicians, we can be there to encourage them in things that they do. The point is to speak encouragingly to our kids and to keep telling them to aim high!"

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