Friday 16 October 2015


Memories from Our Autumn School Holidays

It is the week long autumn school holidays, and we had one-on-one time without any interruptions from his activities such as piano classes etc. We made a list of what we can do. This was what we did... not very fanciful... just some simple stuff... but I wanted to document it down for memories...

On the first day, we took a train to Chinatown, our favorite restaurant for lunch. Thereafter, we walked to the Planetarium museum, where we learned to make paper space shuttle. We also watched a 3D film on animals. We went to piano class after that. Then it was time to go home for dinner.

On the second day, Daddy FECS went to the LEGO activities with J. Then they had a burger together :-)

On the third day, we started with completing "First-Thing-First" - learning Chinese spelling and practising the piano. We re-lived J's baby time by reading some books on the mat. He chose the Bible story books. I taught him to hang up some laundry. We took the train into Chinatown for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We came home. We made apple chips together. While waiting for the apple chips to be done in 3 hours, we made popcorn and watched the Sound of Music DVD together. J did his school project homework, while waiting for mommy to get dinner ready. And the whole day was more or less gone! We had dinner, and it was time for bed-time routine and reading.

On the fourth day, we started with completing "First-Things-First". J did his school project (coloring his counting story) while waiting for mommy to finish some chores. Then we made some Science experiments. We went for a long walk 1.5 hour at the park. J showed mommy the 1.7 round route he had been running during their school sports day. We walked along the lakes home. On the way, we passed by the supermarket to buy beef shanks for dinner. J played with his stuff toy friends and brought them to the sofa. Mommy had the first full cooking class with J. J prepared the ingredients for dinner and started simmering the beef shanks. In the mean time, Mommy and J had our cozy afternoon tea time with honey drink as our "tea", homemade apple chips, pear and plum together with his stuffed toy friends. While having tea, we learned some songs together. Then the whole afternoon is gone and it is time for dinner. We ate the stewed beef shanks with rice for dinner. J practised washing the dishes. And it was time for the bed-time routine, and reading. We saw some Sound of Music youtube song videos, because he loves those songs.

I allowed J to try Chinese tea for the first time and he loved it :-)

Making space shuttle at Planetarium...

Launching his space shuttle...

Playing space shuttle video game...

Going for the LEGO event...

The FECS humble creation compared to all the others...

Having a burger out...

Making apple chips...

Watching the Sound of Music together with homemade popcorn...

Completing his school project homework...

Making Science experiments - Pencil trick and...

cabbage experiment...

Our 2km walk in the park...

Our first full cooking class together...

Tea time together with mommy and his stuff toy friends with honey as "tea", homemade apple chips, pears and plum

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