Sunday 24 June 2012


School Time/Skoletid/上课时间

Duration: 6.30 - 8.30pm (2 hours)

Montessori Time:

Buttoning and unbuttoning..

I did not offer jigsaw puzzle today, but Joshua suggested himself to work with one, surprise surprise, as jigsaw puzzle has never quite been his interest. He seemed to know that Mommy thinks that it is important. He is putting in his own efforts and the motivation came from himself. I was touched by his gesture. I was glad I did not give up on jigsaw puzzle.

He felt a little lost with so many parts lying on the floor and needed a little help with some clues on how to find some of the parts...

But he persevered on to complete it.

Great effort Joshua! That's the most important. Thanks for not giving up. This is a good start. We took a picture to celebrate his completion of the puzzle. He wanted to take a picture of me with the completed puzzle too. He said that I should get half of the credit, since I helped him with it too. Ahh... so sweet!

Blanket Time:

Reading with Daddy...

and then Mommy... with Thomas the train, the Rhyme Bible and one other book - all in English in keeping with our English Sunday theme.

Desk Time:

As time was getting late, I told him that we could only do a couple of pages of the Chinese workbook. He asked for one more page... okie dokie, which I relented.

We moved on to the English workbook, where he completed two pages. He did not ask for more, as he usually does for the Chinese workbook. I could see that he was getting really tired.

Quiet Time:

We recited the same memory verse as we did yesterday, and then we quickly went to bed.

Bed Time:

We said our night prayer in English today. He asked for the usual ritual, before agreeing to let me leave the room. He asked to recite 3 tang dynasty poems. We sang the ABC song and the Singapore National Athem as requested by Joshua. I sang the Night Night song twice... the usual routine. Gave hime a good night kiss, covered him with blanket, and left the room. The time was 8.30pm, way too late!!! We have to shift dinner time earlier up on weekends! We ate dinner at 5.30pm today. It should be moved to 5pm.

Additional Information:

I make efforts to record down this School Time, mostly to celebrate his efforts, perseverance and his joy at learning, and also to a less extent to celebrate his progress and his success, because years down the road, should he encounter set back in school, I will show him how he had not given up, but persevered on, when he was a 3 year old boy.

We would all encounter set backs in school at one point or the other. This will serve to encourage him to regain the fighting spirit and the joy of learning he has shown at age 3.

School Time is a very special time of bonding between Mommy and Joshua, between Daddy and Joshua and I cherish the memory of it. Years down the road, I would like to be able to remember the School Time we did, when Joshua was a preschool.

Do you do school with your child? Do you find it overwhelming and a lot of work? Try it. It can be also a lot of fun and relaxing, if you just take an easy approach. I can assure you that it is a great bonding time. Your child will thank you for it. Years down the road, you would cherish the memory. Why not take a first step to do school with your child, and not just leaving it to tuition teachers and enrichment centres, as most Singaporeans do. Sure, it is a lot of personal sacrifice, but it is very meaningful and fulfilling. You see a direct reward of the effort you sow in the development of a person you are nurturing.

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