Wednesday 26 April 2017


Sweet Potato Sauce & Dip

1. 1 packet of 500g sweet potatoes washed and peeled
2. 2 TBS olive oil
3. 1 TBS butter
4. Salt to taste
5. 1 clove garlic pressed or 1 TBS garlic oil (optional)

1. To make the puree, pre-heat oven to 180 degree celsius and bake sweet potatoes for 45 mins until soft.
2. Cut and scoop out the cooked soft sweet potato puree with a spoon.
3. Blend with olive oil, butter and garlic in the blender until pureed.
4. Serve as dip or sauce for your beef steaks, salad or bread-

Additional Information:

This is actually a baby sweet potato puree. Daddy FECS and I had our FECS day today, and went to the recently opened West Market in Copenhagen. We tried sweet potato sauce for the first time at Laboca restaurant and it tasted very delicious. The chef told us that it is sweet potato puree which he made himself.

So next time if Baby FECS doesn't want to eat her sweet potato puree, I won't feel so sad, tired and disappointed for the wasted work and time. I will simply improvise it into a sauce for our steaks :-)

 Picture before oven (I forgot to take a picture after oven)

Cut and scoop out the cooked soft sweet potato puree with a spoon and blend with olive oil, butter, salt and garlic in the blender until pureed.

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