Thursday, 20 April 2017


Viking's Bread - Birkakiks

1. 400ml wheat flour
2. 20ml oats
3. 1/2 tsk salt
4. 50g butter
5. 50ml honey
6. 200ml water

1. Mix wheat flour, oats and salt in a mixing bowl.
2. Distribute the butter with your fingers to mix well into the dough.
3. Add honey and water and mix well into a dough.
4. Set aside for 30 mins (while waiting, your child and you can use the time to read the history about vikings :-)
5. Take a portion of the dough the size of a walnut and roll it out flat approx. 5mm thick.
6. Fry on a dry pan (no. 5 or 6 on my stove) until the biscuit is done.

Additional Information:
You can also make it over a fire like just the vikings the "snobrød" way. It will be even more fun that way :-)

Our Little FECS saw this viking's bread in his Donald Duck magazine, and he had been bugging me to make with him. But I was too tied down with Baby FECS for the past few months. Finally, we rememebred to do it today, and I managed to squeeze out some time, while Daddy FECS took over Baby FECS.

Our Little FECS (8y1m15d) was very excited, to taste the finished product, as he was very curious how the viking's bread in those days tasted like. We used a mixture of honey and syrup for the bread. We actually also added quite a lot more flour than called for in the recipe, as the mixture was too wet - perhaps our Little FECS had measured the water wrongly.

Surprisingly, it tasted very good. It actually tasted more like biscuits than bread. Both Daddy FECS, Little FECS and I liked it. It must be the butter and the honey/syrup and the pure white flour. We did not let Baby FECS try it. To make it more nutritious, we added brewer's yeast and wheat germ for the second batch, and they tasted equally good. Next time, I am going to substitute some of the flour with Graham's flour instead.

Below is the recipe in Danish. According to the story, the leftovers of viking's bread was charred and therefore it was preserved until today. Apparently, most of them was found at the big marketplace at Birka in Sweden. So as we ate the bread, we learned a bit of the Scandinavian's viking history with our Little FECS.

Here is a little video clip of our Little FECS demonstrating how to make the Viking's bread.
(to be loaded)
 1. Mix wheat flour, oats and salt in a mixing bowl.
2. Distribute the butter with your fingers to mix well into the dough.

3. Add honey and water and mix well into a dough.
4. Set aside for 30 mins.

 5. Take a portion of the dough the size of a walnut and roll it out flat approx. 5mm thick.
 6. Fry on a dry pan until the biscuit is done.

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