Wednesday, 29 April 2015


3. Lyngby Gruppe Scout Group

This is the house of the 3. Lyngby Gruppe

Yet another nice day with wonderful Danish spring weather. Today, we tried out 3. Lyngby Gruppe Scout Group. It is further from our place and takes about 15 minutes to walk there. It takes 5 minutes to drive there. They meet every Wednesday at 5 -6.30pm. 

This scout group is supposedly the biggest in Lyngby. The grade 0. group is also bigger than the FDF Kgs. Lyngby scout group we tried on Monday. There are many leaders - altogether 6 of them. For our Little FECS' age group, there are 14 kids altogether, excluding our Little FECS, which is 8 more than the previous Scout group. So there are definitely more adults to kids, compared to the group we tried on Monday. Most of the kids came from Engelsborgskole or Lyngby Friskole.

For this scout group, they live by this motto - to have activities that are aimed to challenge the kids. Today, the kids learned to pack their own lunch box (we came late, because we could not find the place, so we did not take part in this activity). Then they learned to sew their badges using needle and thread. This scout group seemed to emphasize on challenging the kids, but I think this sewing activity was too challenging for our Little FECS at 6 years old and also for all the other kids. So I had to help him thread the needle and sew. Our Little FECS didn't enjoyed this activity much, but I was impressed that he asked to try again the second round, trying hard to succeed and not giving up. No, he didn't succeed, and got a little frustrated, but I am touched by his strength and determination. Then they roasted buns over fire (Snorbrød), which was really fun.

There seemed to be quite disciplined. Despite having so many kids, there were order. The kids lined up to go into the Scout house. Before entering inside the house, they lined up again to brush clean their shoes. This Scout group emphasized self-reliance. One of the youth leader told our Little FECS to try the second sewing, as when one is a Scout, one learns to do things for one self without relying on mommy - making lunch pack by oneself, sewing badges by one self. Although it is a little hard for the kids and for our Little FECS, it is good that they insisted and encouraged the kids to try and not to give up,

It took a longer time for our Little FECS to break the ice, because first we arrived late 15 minutes late. Second, it would probably helped to break the ice, if they had introduced our Little FECS by name. Third, none of them came forward to talk to our Little FECS, unlike the first group we visited on Monday. However, when the final activity of making snorbrød started, our Little FECS had finally broken the ice, and became more at least, as you could see from the photos, he began to smile.

This Scout group has no direct access to the river and does not seem to have their own canoes.

Although it is a Christian-based Scout group, it also seems to be so only by name. They did not end with a prayer. They did not sing any Bible kids songs, but it was also our first visit, so we could be wrong. 

Parents considering joining this Scout group are allowed to try out 2-3 times for free, before making a decision. 

We left enriched, not just our Little FECS, but me too. Wished I had, or my parents had enrolled me in scouts when I was a child.

I forgot to ask about the alcohol policy again. I will do so next time.

Practical Information:

- 3. Lyngby Gruppe
- Christian-based - KFUM - Grønne spejdere
- Meets Wednesday from 5-6.30pm at Chr. X’s Allé 106A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
- 575 kr/half year
- Camp: 5-7 June, 1-8 August
- Contact: Søren Vilsøe
- Tel: 39 67 19 95/40 56 15 53
- Email:

The young scouts playing catching

The young scouts standing in a line before entering the house

Here you can see all the kids (two more came later) and the leaders (one more came later to make the fire for the bread) - this group has a good mix of youth leaders and experienced leaders

Standing in a line to brush dust off their shoes before entering the house - good discipline and cleanliness :-) I like :-)

The young scouts brushing their shoes

Inside the scouts hut, the leader demonstrating how to thread a needle

The young scouts seated in 3 tables

Our Little FECS learning and trying very hard to thread the needle. He was too young, he did not succeed.

Our Little FECS trying to sew... all full of concentration

The last activity - making snorbrød with the leader called Christian

The young scouts asked to point their sticks of bread towards God, while Christian prepared the fire

Our Little FECS finally loosened himself and broken the ice with the other kids

Making snorbrød. I like that the leaders took this opportunity to teach the kids that it requires patience.

The leaders emphasized that making snorbrød required patience... 

I am also learning, both in terms of patience, and in terms of how to lead the kids and teach the kids

The smoke was a little irritating to the eyes

This is how their back-yard looks like, where there is a place to make out-door fire

Our Little FECS chose to have jam on his bread, while some chose ketup

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