Sunday, 3 April 2016


Fireworks in a Jar

This Science experiment idea is from I Can Teach My Child

Age: From 4 years old

1. 1 large mason jar 3/4 filled with warm water
2. 1 saucer 4 TBS cooking oil
3. 4 drops of red, green, yellow and blue food coloring each
4. 1 fork to stir the color
5. 1 spoon
6. 4 droppers (optional)

1. Fill 1 large mason jar 3/4 with warm water.
2. Add 4 TBS of oil into a saucer.
3. Add 4 drops of food coloring red, blue, green and yellow each into the saucer with oil.
4. Stir gently if necessary to mix the oil and color.
5. Pour gently into the jar of water.

Additional Information:
J (6Y0M28D) wanted very much to make some Science experiments with me and have been pestering me for it. He wanted to do something with water and color. But I am too lazy to prepare the materials. Today, we finally sit down to do it. Ours doesn't look as good as the one from I Can Teach My Child. We repeated our experiment 3 times, but J still found it fun. Oh well, it is the process that counts :-)


0. Prepare your materials

1. Fill 1 large mason jar 3/4 with warm water.


2. Add 4 TBS of oil into a saucer.

 3. Add 4 drops of food coloring red, blue, green and yellow each into the saucer with oil.

4. Stir gently if necessary to mix the oil and color.

5. Pour gently into the jar of water.

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