Saturday, 20 November 2010


Get up before baby gets up

Get up 30 minutes to 1 hour earlier and start the day before baby wakes up, as shared by my friend, Merete Knudsen, who has two children.

This means get up, brush your teeth, bath, get dressed and better still, if you can make it, get breakfast ready as well before the baby wakes up in the morning. Otherwise you will run behind and find it very difficult to play catch up for the rest of the day. Once baby wakes, everything will take triple longer, and for a working mother like me, I simply can't afford the triple time.

This goes for weekends too, if you want to have a weekend that you can enjoy. For a sleepyhead like me, this is doubly difficult. Many a weekends were wasted away... all because we did not wake up before J did.

P.S.: This picture was taken on a weekend... and as you can see, we woke up later than J... and you can imagine, it was a wasted weekend... cos' by the time we get to be ready, it was already passed 2pm... and we also missed church as a result. Typically J wakes up around 6.30 or 7am.

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