Friday 26 November 2010


J Summary (20M22D) - Requested "dao gao" and hand-sign pray at bed-time

Moral Training - Knowing God, knowing Jesus
Usually I pray with J, but Daddy prayed together with us this evening during bed-time in Danish. Then just before J slept, he suddenly said "dao gao" which means pray in Mandarin in accompany hand-sign for pray. After praying, he then hand sign "sing" for his usual lullaby, before drifting off to dreamland.

This was the second or third time he said "dao gao", but the first time, that it was crystal clear to mommy.

While playing with cooking this morning, he "cooked" a meal for me. I pretended to be very hungry and about to start eating, when he said "dao gao", reminding me to say grace before I eat.

Language Development
J could say "oh no" yesterday morning during breakfast. It is probably the third English word he could say after "Daddy" and "Please". Daddy showed me a honey-melon that was getting rotten, and I exclaimed, "oh no"! Then J immediately repeated after me again and again. It was very funny for the both of us to see.

He started making the simpliest 2-word sentence in Danish - "min bog" - my book.

For the last few days, we heard J started asking "Hvad er det?" - which means "What is this?" in Danish.

Set-back with reading today. It has been reducing over the weeks, and for the first time, there was no bed-time reading at all!!! J said "nej" and just wanted to play. No development with Tang dynasty poems either.

The "no no no" phase of the Terrible Two age
J has now entered into the phase of "no no no" since last week. He said "nej" - Danish word for no to everything!!! It can be super-frustrating, if not for my friend Jenny who had gone through the same phase a couple of months ago with her toddler and shared during our Chinese playgroup meeting. How comforting for me to know that this is just a phase that will pass...

Here are some ways on how to get toddler to cooperate:

Yesterday at the daycare, the teacher told us that J enjoyed playing with cooking utensils and food toy. Not sure whether he actually started pretend cooking play though. Wished I was there to watch... but mommy was at work. But it is at least a good start for him to develop a liking for cooking, which I now consider an absolutely important life-skill to acquire for our child. The teacher said that he would line them out in a line one by one. Maybe that is an indication that J is an organization and order freak just like his daddy and mommy?

J did very well at the potty this morning after breakfast and after dinner. He could control, and then only let go at the potty both times.

Understands opposites
J understands opposites such as full vs. empty and he will say "man man" and "kong kong" meaning full and empty in Mandarin, when I show him a container which is full and a container which is empty.

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