Sunday, 2 March 2014


J Summary (4Y11M25D) - Milestones from 4 to 5 Years Old

What a difference a year has made!

At the start of 4 years old...
- J could cut, chop and mix ingredients, but he struggled with it. The work was not perfected.
- he could put on his jacket the Montessori way and took a long time to put on his shoes.
- he loves to sing and could catch the tune of songs
- he understood English
- starting numbers 11-20

Now 5 days shy of 5 years old...
- he could cut, chop and mix ingredients very well.
- he could put on his jacket the normal way, could zip up his jacket and could put on his shoes very fast.
- he still loves to sing, he could sing very well and sing out the lyrics clearly
- he could speak more and more English and answer my questions clearly without hesitation
- he knows his numbers roughly from 1-100

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