Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Banana Oatmeal Buns

Recipe adapted from JS

1. 10 large bananas mashed
2. 2 carrots grated fine (optional)
3. A handful of chopped pecan nuts or other nuts as desired (optional)
4. 1 cup oatmeal
5. 1 cup grahams flour
6. 1/2 cup flour
7. 1 tsp baking powder
8. 1/2 tsp baking soda
9. 3 tsp wheat germ (optional, added for more nutritious value)
10. 3 tsp brewer's yeast (optional, added for more nutritious value)
11. A handful of raisins (to decorate as eyes of the animals)

1. Pre-heat oven to 200 °C (390°F).
2. Mash the bananas, add all other ingredients and mix well.
3. On a baking tray lay with baking paper, form into desired shapes, e.g. fish with a spoon.
4. Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

1. As you eat them, you can tell the story of Jesus feeding five thousands with five loaves and two fish (from John 6:1-14 and Matthew 14:13-21) or Noah's Ark, depending on what animals you shaped.

Additional Information:
It's J's 5 year old birthday today. I baked it this morning for him to bring to his kindergarten and share. I am going to bake it again for his birthday party this Friday.

For everyday simple recipe, please click here:

This is very healthy - no sugar, no butter, no egg, but they still taste super sweet because the bananas acted as a natural sweetener and they are full of goodness from the oatmeal, carrot, nuts brewer's yeast and wheatgerm.

Mash 10 bananas with a fork

J's finished work of mashing bananas
J completed mashing the bananas with fork

Add 1 cup oatmeal

Add a handful of chopped pecan nuts
Add 2 grated carrots

Add 1/2 cup white flour

Add 1 tsp baking powder & 1/2 tsp baking soda

Mix well

J mixing the ingredients

Form into shapes with a spoon

J adding raisins as eyes to the animals

Bake in oven at 200 degree celsius for 12-15 minutes & ready to eat :-)
J enjoying his animal buns

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