Monday, 11 April 2016


Banana, Strawberries & Spinach Milkshake

Serves 2 glasses

1. 1 large banana
2. 3 large strawberries
3. A handful of baby spinach
4. 1 cup fresh milk (250ml)

Blend them together and serve in a glass :-)

Additional Information:

Our Little FECS (7Y1M8D) has been wanting me to make banana milkshake for him. We tried this yesterday. First we tried with just banana and milk and it tasted great and very sweet. Then we added strawberries, and it tasted wonderful too. Then I experimented with adding spinach, and we could not taste the spinach at all just the milkshake. So this is a great way to hid vegetables and squeeze some consumption of vegetables into our diet :-). Our Little FECS wanted me to note down the recipe, and he said that it was his idea :-)

Daddy FECS hasn't been very good at eating spinach, but he drank a glass this morning for breakfast, and it tasted good to him. So that was really nice.

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