Monday, 4 April 2016


Montessori Activity: Fraction Skittles

Age: From 2.5 years old


1. To give a sensorial feel of the concept of fractions to small children.
2. To show that a whole may be divided into parts.


1. Fraction Skittles
2. 1 tray or mat


1. Take out the whole fraction skittle, trace the edge of the base with 2 fingers and say, "This is one whole," and hand it to the child to feel it.

2. Take out a 1/2 skittle, trace the base and say, "This is one of 2 parts," and let your child feel it. Take out the other 1/2 and say, "This is two of 2 parts."

3. Put the two 1/2 skittles together next to the whole skittles to show that two 1/2 skittles are equivalent to a whole skittle.

4. Take out a 1/3 skittle and say, "This is one of 3 parts," and give it to your child to feel it. Take out another 1/3 and say, "This is two of 3 parts." Take out the last 1/3 skittle and say, "This is three of 3 parts."

5. Put the three 1/3 skittles together next to the whole skittle to show that three 1/3 skittles are the same as a whole skittle.

6. Take out a 1/4 skittle and say, "This is one of 4 parts." Take out another 1/4 skittle and say, "This is two of 4 parts." Take out the 3rd 1/3 skittle and say, "This is three of 4 parts." Take out the last 1/4 skittle and say, "This is four of 4 parts."

7. Put the four 1/4 skittles together next to the whole skittle to show that four 1/4 skittles make a whole skittle.

8. Repeat with a three period lesson to reinforce the learning.

Video Demonstration:


1. Take out the fraction skittles and ask your child to name them.
2. Ask, "Do you think that the halves are the same as one whole? Compare the skittles.
3. Mix the fraction skittles up and ask your child to sort them back. Lastly, do this with a blindfold.

Additional Information:


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