Tuesday 26 April 2016


J Summary (7Y1M21D): J's Seems to Have a Sense of Large Numbers... Due to Montessori's Work?

Daddy FECS was just commenting that J seems to have a sense of large numbers. For example, he could calculate in his head that 24 x 20 is 480 or 40 x 4 = 160. He could add 270 + 30 = 300. It is not always he get it right. Although there are also many times when he got it right, he couldn't and would not explain to me, how he calculate in his head to reach the answer.  So I am more skeptical about it, and perhaps perhaps it is just a coincidence.

The other day, we had play date with one of his classmates, and the boys were playing with darts and keeping score. His classmate would just ask J to calculate the score for him, for example, what is 40 + 30, what is 60 + 40, what is 500 + 20. I was actually pleasantly surprise to find out.

Daddy FECS said that perhaps it was because I did Montessori with him since he was a toddler. That made me very happy to have the endorsement of Montessori. Daddy FECS used to say that I spent way too much money on Montessori materials and way too much time on preparing Montessori lessons and doing Montessori activities. He used to say that it was good, but not necessary. So it is really nice to have his approval, and so now, I am free to do more Montessori with the baby, and I even got his approval to be a full-time career mom.

This is the best recognition one can have from her hubby :-)

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