Chapter 4: Getting Started
• The primary objective of potty training is not using the potty, it is staying dry and clean. Therefore, you need to make dryness the big deal.
• A training teddy bear is a must.
• The teddy bear allows you to walk Joshua through the entire process from taking a drink with the cup all the way to cleanup. This includes dumping the water in the potty chair into the toilet, pulling up the teddy bear’s pants and washing the teddy bear’s hands.
• Show him the teddy bear and tell him that tomorrow him and mommy are going to play potty training with the teddy bear.
• When the big day arrives, your soggy-diapered sweetie will be ready to move into action. He will need to have his diaper changed, but it may be the last time. Have him drink lots of liquid.
• Immediately after breakfast, start role-playing with the teddy bear. You have a good chance of success right after a meal, so don’t wait. Most children are ready to go, figuratively and literally.
• Step 1: Have Joshua offer a pretence drink to the teddy bear.
• Step 2: Wait a few minutes, and with a fun sense of urgency in your voice, have him check the teddy bear for dryness. As the big question: “Is your teddy bear dry?” Have him place his fingers in the front of the teddy bear’s pants. Of course the pants are dry, so Joshua should say yes. Join him in praising the teddy bear for staying dry, and follow through by giving the teddy bear a small treat (biscuits or homemade apple chips) that Joshua shares.
• Step 3: A few minutes later, encourage him to bring the teddy bear to the potty. (If you are using a doll that doesn’t wet, be sure to put an ounce of two of water into the bowl beforehand.) Together, place the teddy bear on the potty (because toddler doesn’t possess sufficient coordination to do it alone). Wait a few moments and then make a sounds like urine releasing, such as “sssss”.
• Follow this up immediately by having Joshua check the bowl to see if the teddy bear went potty. When he discovers the water, clap your hands in praise. The teddy bear stayed dry by using the potty and that is worth a double reward. The double treat you offer the teddy bear will be the same double reward you offer to Joshua.
• Help Joshua pull up the teddy bear’s pants, empty the potty in the big toilet, flush the toilet and wash his hands. Then some time during the next 5 minutes, turn your attention to Joshua and move to step 4.
• Step 4: Direct Joshua to check his pants. He has already role-played with the teddy bear by sing his fingers to feel for dryness. Checking himself in the same way should be easy.
• When you ask, “Are you dry?” Joshua should put his hands on his pants and check for dryness. When he says, “yes”, offer him the first reward.
• Step 5: You now have a dry child, and you should capitalize on this. Wait a few more minutes and then have him sit on the potty as the teddy bear did. Success requires that Joshua sit on the seat from 4 – 10 minutes. Read to him, although not to the point he gets frustrated. When that happens, the whole day is lost. If he doesn’t want to sit any longer, take him off the potty and try again in 15-20 minutes.
• When he goes, use praise and rewards for “staying dry and clean”.
• Remember to praise for using the potty to stay dry and clean. Say something like, “You did it, Joshua! When you used the potty, you stayed dry and clean. Let’s call Daddy and tell him”.
• From this point forward, training is basically a repetition of these 5 steps. (Although the novelty of the teddy bear will wear of, repeating the other steps will keep you in control of the process.)
• Once you have your child routinely checking for his dryness, you are halfway to your goal of successful potty training.
• You can ask the question, “Are you dry?” as many times as you think necessary between potty breaks. He chalks up a victory each time his answer to the question is yes.
• Make a habit before, after and between mealtimes and naptimes to direct Joshua to check for dryness. Set a timer to remind yourself.
• Use a potty schedule. Have Joshua sit on the potty at regular intervals in the morning, after meals, before and after naps and at bedtime.
• It is important that you do not ask your child if he wants to sit on the potty. You as the parent, simply tell him it is time to sit.
• Always give Joshua enthusiastic praise for staying dry and clean.
• When traveling long distances, be sure to take a potty seat with you and stop every 1 to 2 hours.
On Becoming Toddlerwise - Chapter 7: Potty Training Made Easy
Equipment needed
1. Potty chair or potty seat - that fits right over the standard toilet seat.
2. Training pants - either cotton or disposable. Training pants with vinyl outer linings works well because the child can feel the wetness when he has an accident, but the urine doesn't escape through the pant's lining.
3. Training teddy bear - helps maximizing learning by combining a toddler's developing imagination and play with a real life experience. In the process of teaching his little friend the steps of potty training, he learns everything he needs to know.
4. Sippy cup - not for your child's personal use but for the child's play-time with his training teddy bear.
5. Rewards - healthy snack or toy.
- On Becoming Potty-Wise
- On Becoming Toddler-Wise
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